Launch of Batch 2 of CPBFI and 90 hours course

The Certificate Course in Banking, Finance and Insurance (CPBFI) by Bajaj Finserv for the Batch 2 was launched on 13/07/2023 on Microsoft Teams. As a part of formality, after welcoming all the guests, Yathirajsharma M. V., introduced the key persons present in the launch. This was followed by the official launch of Batch II by playing a video of introduction to CPBFI. Ms. Archana then discussed with the students about CPBFI, its importance and the roles of students. Dr. Devika and Dr. Sathyanarayana also addressed the students on this occasion. Student Coordinators were also chosen. Vinu Christo and Bhavana were chosen as student coordinators.

The course was started on 14th July 2023 and ran till 2nd of September 2023. An HR workshop was organized on 4th of September and the batch was officially ended on 8th September, 2023 with a post test. We are happy to share that out of 46 students 33 students (71%) cleared the course meeting its eligibility criteria for completion.


1) Report of the launch

2) Overall Batch Report

3) Batch Performance Report

4) Letter of Consent

5) List of students in the course

6) Time Table

Glimpses of Launch


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